Welcome Expats

What are the first steps?

Within 8 days (3 days if you are a third-country national):

Declare your arrival in the population office of the municipality where you have moved.

Within 3 months (if you are a citizen of the Union or of a country treated as such):

Complete a registration declaration with your municipality

Living in Luxembourg

How to find accommodation?

It is therefore advisable to start your searches from the beginning of your project:

By consulting the real estate classifieds sites in the Grand Duchy: www.athome.lu, 


By contacting a real estate agency that will take care of your searches according to your needs and your budget. The agency fees generally amount to one month's rent.

By contacting a relocation agency that can also advise you on the administrative procedures related to your arrival


HEALTH in Luxembourg

How to benefit from health coverage?

To benefit from coverage of your health care and to benefit from health-maternity, pension, accident and dependency insurance, you must be registered with the Joint Social Security Centre (CCSS). This affiliation is provided by your employer if you are an employee.

On the other hand, you must carry out the procedures yourself if you are self-employed, by filling out an entry declaration form.

Supplementary Health Insurance:

The supplementary health insurance that allows you to better enjoy life without worry. It is perfect coverage that intervenes even when compulsory health insurance does not reimburse the costs
